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Fire Safety Training

So you and your staff know what to do in an emergency

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man holding a water fire extinguisher

Fire Safety Training

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 states that the responsible person at a company must ‘ensure that his employees are provided with adequate safety training’. It goes on to say that this training should include, among other things, ‘suitable and sufficient instruction and training on the appropriate precautions and actions to be taken by the employee in order to safeguard himself and other relevant persons on the premises’.

Scutum North is a leading fire training company working across the north of England, including Leeds, Manchester and Sheffield. We use experienced industry professionals and experts to provide all the fire safety training needed to meet your obligations under the Fire Safety Order, including:

Our fire safety training for the workplace can be conducted at your premises and includes fire safety essentials such as fire extinguisher training, evacuation procedures, identifying fire risks and much more.

Book your company fire safety training by getting in touch with the friendly team at Scutum North today.

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Fire Risk Assessments

Scutum North provides professional fire risk assessments to help protect your business premises and ensure that you are in full compliance with all current fire safety regulations.

Fire Risk Assessments
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Security Site Survey

We provide a full security site survey and offer free expert advice and quotes.

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Fire Safety Training FAQs

What are the legal requirements for fire safety training?

Article 21 of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 requires all businesses to provide all staff with adequate fire safety training both at the time of initial employment and subsequently when circumstances change such that they are “exposed to new or increased risks”. You also need to provide appropriate training to designated fire wardens.

What do you learn about during fire safety training?

Basic fire safety training incorporates aspects such as raising an alarm, evacuation procedures, location and use of fire extinguishers and more. To reflect the greater responsibilities involved, fire warden training goes into more depth in all these issues and includes supporting colleagues, including those with mobility issues, in an evacuation.

Still have a question about Scutum North?

Call our team on 0125 441 4000 or contact us online
